(713) 981-0011 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Suite 225 Houston, TX 77036

Reminders for Tax Season

Make sure you are ready for the Tax Season! 

We are providing you with a list of reminders:

  • Make sure you have received all the W‐2s from all the places you worked in the past year.
  • Make sure you have received all the 1099‐NECS from all the places you worked in the past year.
  • If you had health insurance through the marketplace, do not forget to request your 1095‐A.   You can call 800‐318‐2596 to request it.
  • If you attended college or university, check your college account for your 1098‐T.
  • If you were paying a mortgage, download your 1098‐Mortgage statement from the same account where you make your monthly mortgage payments.
  • If you contributed to retirement accounts or withdrew from your 401K, double-check your account to see if a 1099‐R was issued.
  • If you applied for unemployment, you should be issued a 1099‐G. You can check the same place where you filled out the application for this form. 
  • If you are claiming dependents under 16, make sure you request a School Enrollment Letter and/or Daycare Expense Letter. 
  • Did you invest in the stock market or cryptocurrency? Double-check your account for a tax statement.

We look forward to helping you file your tax return. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please call us at 713‐981‐0011.

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